Academic Publications at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS) is a publisher of medical titles, including a catalog of Platinum Open Access scholarly journals. The journals of TUOMS PRESS adhere to the highest level of academic and ethics standards. The submissions are thoroughly peer-reviewed and the published articles are distributed in internationally known platforms, including PubMed Central.
Platinum Open Access ensures zero publishing fees for the authors, meaning no valid peer-reviewed piece of opinion is left unpublished as a result of publication charges. This endeavor is supported by Vice Chancellor for Research & Technology of TUOMS.


Membership of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in COPE

Following the efforts of the Publishing Office to standardize the principles of scientific journal publishing, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, publisher of 14 open-access scientific journals under the TUOMS PRESS brand, has successfully gained membership in the prestigious Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
We extend our congratulations to the academic community on this achievement.


The first Impact Factor of four Journals from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

The first Impact Factor of four Journals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was published among the top Iranian Journals.
The first Impact Factor Index of 2022 was published by four Journals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, while Health Promotion Perspectives magazine ranked second and Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin ranked third among Iranian Medical Journals. Thus, five magazines from TUOMS PRESS managed to get an IF higher than one in 2022. We congratulate all the colleagues of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences for this remarkable success, which was achieved by the sincere efforts of the editors, members of the editorial board and the magazine team.

  • Health Promotion Perspectives (IF = 4.4)
  • Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin (IF = 3.6)
  • BioImpacts (IF = 2.6)
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences (IF = 1.7)
  • Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research (IF = 1.1)


  • Constructive peer-review
  • Platinum Open Access
  • Wide range of indexing coverage