Peer review policy

The journals affiliated to TUOMS review all manuscript submissions, internally or externally.

Original research articles authored by a member of a journal’s editorial team are independently peer reviewed; an editor will have no input or influence on the peer review process or publication decision for their own article. Editorials and obituaries written by the journal’s editor do not undergo external peer review. (More information)

Peer Review Procedures

All manuscripts submitted to the journals affiliated to TUOMS are subject to rigorous review. This review consists of the following steps:

1. Initial submissions are reviewed by internal staff to ensure adherence to policies of TUOMS, including ethical requirements for human and animal experimentation.

2. Submissions are then assigned to an Editor for evaluation.

3. The Academic Editor decides whether reviews from additional experts are needed to evaluate the manuscript. Most submissions are evaluated by two external reviewers, but it is up to the Editor to determine the number of reviews required.

4. After evaluation, the Editor chooses between the following decisions:

1. Accept

2. Minor Revision

3. Major Revision

4. Reject

5. If the decision is Minor Revision or Major Revision, authors have 30 days to resubmit the revised manuscript. Authors may contact email address if they require an extension.

6. Upon resubmission, the Editor may choose to send the manuscript back to external reviewers, or may render a decision based on personal expertise.


It is the author’s responsibility to secure all permissions prior to publication.

Material from other sources

Any written or illustrative material that has been or will be published elsewhere must be duly acknowledged and accompanied by the written consent of the copyright holder (this may be the publisher rather than the author). This includes the author's own previously published material, if s/he is not the copyright holder.

Reproducing material published by TUOMS

Materials published by TUOMS may be reproduced in full or part in any medium or language only on the condition that the original material is cited properly.



  • Constructive peer-review
  • Platinum Open Access
  • Wide range of indexing coverage